

Preschool/K1: We are Thinkers - This week, we began our new unit "How We Express Ourselves." The story we have started reading is "The Little Red Hen." Learners have commenced their inquiry journey into how stories are structured. We are also beginning to develop our questioning skills.
Y1: Learning about personal histories - Our Year 1 students enjoyed a fantastic start to our new Unit, delving into the concept of "history" as they created their own personal history books and took on the role of archaeologists to excavate artifacts. Our journey towards deeper inquiry into the lessons learned from history that have reshaped our modern world has officially begun!
Y3: Creating clay creations - Our young geographers let their creativity flow as they crafted various landforms out of clay. We were impressed with their creations, including volcanoes, islands, and rivers. This hands-on activity allowed them to not only learn about geography but also express their artistic talents.
Y5: Our first fieldtrip - At the end of our last unit of inquiry, the Year 5 class went to find out about different belief systems in the world. The learners had written questions to inquire as to the differences to their own faith. The students were commended about their inquisitive manner and attentive nature. It was an extremely proud and enlightening day.
MY: Personal project meetings - Before half term break, Year 11 students and supervisors conducted their first Personal Project meeting to discuss the topics, goals, and plans for their individual projects.

Student success: Year 1!

The Year 1 students were thrilled to take action after learning about Balancing Lifestyles. They wanted to spread the word about the hobbies they had explored and what they had learned, so we invited the Year 6 students to visit our class. The Year 1 students did an exceptional job promoting their hobbies and explaining how they benefit one's personal lifestyle.

Thai: Saving for their future

Students in Year 5 have been studying about 'saving for the future'. They have kept an individual account book to track their income and expenses. They demonstrate ways to handle money and prepare for the future.

School Board: 6 October - The UDIS School Board held its first meeting of the year to induct new members and to plan for the year ahead. The Board welcomed Mr. Carl and K. Prodpran as new parents’ representatives and a new secretary, K. Chitpattra. As always, the Board’s focus is to ensure the educational quality of the school and focus on our guiding statements.